apmgtw probe configuration tips - apmgtw is not processing messages and the queue is backed up
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apmgtw probe configuration tips - apmgtw is not processing messages and the queue is backed up


Article ID: 142636


Updated On:


DX Unified Infrastructure Management (Nimsoft / UIM)


Apmgtw probe - Not processing - Queuing - How to Set up 


DX UIM 20.4.x / 23.4.x or later

Apmgtw probe any release


In order to solve the problem, need to configure this 3 files located at the probe directory:


Additionally, some changes were done in the probe connection configuration:

- Under "CA UIM connection details", in "robot" field, changed the name to the OC robot;
- Under "QOS selection", in "select hosts" field, changed to "adminserver");

Here are all the details:

Please find below steps to configure the metrics.

Weblogic metrics can be found in below mentioned link:


Same for each and every probe you can search for the available metrics that will be helpful to configure the probe.  


*********************************** STEP 1 *********************************************


Add entry like below if not available in this file.

weblogic.QOS_WEBLOGIC_POOLSIZE.Pool Size.Number.Number
weblogic.QOS_WEBLOGIC_HEAP_MEMORY_FREE_PCT.Heap Memory Free PCT.Percent.%

*********************************** STEP 2 *********************************************


Add entry like below if not available in this file.

weblogic.QOS_WEBLOGIC_POOLSIZE={host}:Pool Size
weblogic.QOS_WEBLOGIC_HEAP_MEMORY_FREE_PCT={host}:Heap Memory Free PCT

*********************************** STEP 3 *********************************************

qos.properties or qosbackup.properties

1. Search for "Probe Groups" generally in the starting of this file
2. Add entry like below:


3. Now we need to define the format of QoS definitions:
    Search for "format.weblogic" and if not exists, add below in specified format.

    format.weblogic.QOS_WEBLOGIC_POOLSIZE={host}:Pool Size
    format.weblogic.QOS_WEBLOGIC_HEAP_MEMORY_FREE_PCT={host}:Heap Memory Free PCT

4. Now Deactivate and Activate the probe.

5. Open the Admin Console GUI and in the left tree pane "Available Probes" option should be visible for the particular probe. 
    And now you should able to configure the required metrics.

Note: If still have no Metrics, please go to Step 4 that has more details

************************************ STEP 4 *********************************************

1. Open the Admin Console GUI and configure the apmgtw probe.
2. Save the configuration and then manually Deactivate and Activate the probe.
3. Wait for ~1-2 mins and open the Admin Console GUI, now in the left tree pane "Available Probes" option should be visible.
4. Expand and then click on the weblogic probe and the defined QoS should be visible in the GUI.
5. Enable the 2 QoS and save the probe. Manually Deactivate and Activate the probe.
6. Verify this on probe CFG file - weblogic QoS should be there.

Sceenshoot about a specific Setting just for Reference: