How are Provider Cloud Models discovered within Spectrum Enterprise VPN Manager?
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How are Provider Cloud Models discovered within Spectrum Enterprise VPN Manager?


Article ID: 142560


Updated On:


CA eHealth CA Spectrum


  • We have some provider cloud models modeled in our spectrum topology via Enterprise VPN Manager but Network team says that there is no ISP connectivities on the devices to which the provider clouds are connected.
  • How are provider cloud models discovered within Spectrum Enterprise VPN Manager?


Release : 10.2 / 10.3.2 / 10.4 

Component : Spectrum Core / SpectroSERVER


  • Below are the methods in which Spectrum will populate devices within Enterprise VPN Manager:

1) Start discovery -> Spectrum picks BGP4-MIB and models "interfaces (sites)" and connected Provider clouds.

2) The same as above but on receiving PEER_ESTABLISHED trap.     

You can disable traps from creating models within the configuration:



  • In both scenarios Spectrum will read the same BGP4-MIB and model a provider cloud only if there is none on that interface.