MTC Connector fail to start on SOI Manager
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MTC Connector fail to start on SOI Manager


Article ID: 142558


Updated On: 10-11-2023


CA Service Operations Insight (SOI)


After restarting SOI Manager services, the MTC connector fail to start and it shows as "Offline" in UI


Service Operations Insight (SOI) Manager - 4.x


Following exceptions found in \SOI\jsw\logs\SAM-IntegrationServices_wrapper.log and the file size is Zero KB

Reading config file: D:\CA\SOI\resources\Configurations\mtc_<ServerName>.xml
[Fatal Error] :-1:-1: Premature end of file.
Error parsing configuration file!! 
Error parsing configuration file!! 
org.xml.sax.SAXParseException; Premature end of file.


The MTC Connector configuration file was corrupt and file size is 0 KB

Follow these steps to fix this problem

1) Stop "CA SOI Integration Services" on the Manager server

2) Copy "\SOI\resources\Configurations\mtc_<ServerName>.xml from backup or copy it from another SOI manager and make necessary changes like Hostname, password etc

3) Start "CA SOI Integration Services"