A Job may continue to be in Running status for a period of time while the program launched by the Job is already finished on the application end.
It is possible that a database call or procedure is taking a long time to return which may is stopping the Job from going from a Running status to a Finished status.
While this behavior can be cause by multiple issues, it is best to enable debug and review the RmiServer<timestamp>.log to see if there are any database calls or procedures that are taking a long time to return. This can be done by searching the string "elapsed ms", which is elapsed milliseconds.
For example, if the RMI log is opened in notepad++, all occurrence where database calls or procedures take 100 seconds or more to returned be found by the following:
Note that the "\d" represents a 1 digit number so "\d\d\d\d\d\d" represents a 6 digit number in milliseconds which translates to 100 seconds. Below is an example search result where it took 98944446 milliseconds or about 27 hours to return a database procedure.
08:52:54.510 awserverWorker1: TRN:6129: .D: getProcedureData() awdyn.execute_plsql elapsed ms 98944446
It is recommended that this result is reported to the DBA for review to see why the database call or procedure.