Missing PTFs SO07790 and SO07791
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Missing PTFs SO07790 and SO07791


Article ID: 142427


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SOLVE:Operations Automation SOLVE


Trying to apply maintenance to the CA SOLVE:Ops 11.9 base product.  There are appear to be two missing PTFs that are prereqs for a number of other PTFs.  The two are SO07790 and SO07791.  I'm trying to find them on the CA/Broadcom site, but can't find them there either.  How can I obtain those two APARs?


Release : 11.9

Component : CA SOLVE:Operations Automation for z/OS


PTFs SO07790 and SO07791 are SUP'd by SO10172 so should not be needed.

If this is a new install done using CSM, it is best to delete everything and start over.

1. Install the base product.
2. Pull in all available maintenance.
3. Run the RECEIVE for all maintenance
4. Running multiple APPLY jobs in a specific order allows for successful APPLY of all PTFs:
    - APPLY all RO PTFs without Group extend
    - APPLY all SO PTFs thru SO10172 without Group extend
    - APPLY remaining PTFs past SO10172.

If this is being done using batchjobs, or if this problem is hit while applying more recent maintenance, use a similar process.
Important is that SO10172 be the highest PTF applied so that it SUPs SO07790 and SO07791 (along with many others).

Any maintenance in APPLY jobs after that will not require the two missing PTFs.