We are receiving the following alert "Port unregister from active probe vmware" and noticed the vmware probe is down.
Release : Any version of UIM
Component : UIM - VMWARE
- out of memory
This indicates that the vmware probe has lost the port that it listens on (48***). Usually when you see this message, it means a probe has become unresponsive and/or crashed.
If the issue keeps reoccurring,
a) check to see if the probe has been crashing; as per the Events log (Application/System)
b) make sure you're on the latest version of the vmware probe and robot/controller
c) make sure the controller has the first probe port setting configured to 48000
d) also check to make sure any Antivirus software is set to exclude the entire Nimsoft folder
e) Check to make sure that the local firewall on the hub running vmware is not blocking the port
The alarm message comes from the controller probe which is responsible for managing the start/stop/status of probes, but this issue could indicate a problem with the vmware probe itself crashing.
If the probe is crashing and you continue to get this message, check to see if the vmware.log contains any OutofMemory errors. If so, try increasing the java heap memory min and max values a bit higher, e.g., add 1 GB to the min and the max and then cold start the probe (Deactivate-Activate).
For example:
Xms4096m -Xmx6144m (note that the min and max should not be more than 2GB from each other due to garbage collection)
Your vmware probe may be hovering close to the max right before it crashes.
[BaselinesClient.refreshThread, vmware] Unexpected death of thread BaselinesClient.refreshThread.
[BaselinesClient.refreshThread, vmware] java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: GC overhead limit exceeded
at java.util.Arrays.copyOfRange(Arrays.java:3664)
at java.lang.String.<init>(String.java:207)
at java.lang.String.toLowerCase(String.java:2647)
at java.lang.String.toLowerCase(String.java:2670)
at com.nimsoft.ctd.transform.thresholds.cache.StringKey.hashCode(StringKey.java:23)
at org.mapdb.Hasher$1.hashCode(Hasher.java:37)
at org.mapdb.HTreeMap.hash(HTreeMap.java:962)
at org.mapdb.HTreeMap$HashIterator.moveToNext(HTreeMap.java:999)
at org.mapdb.HTreeMap$ValueIterator.next(HTreeMap.java:1135)
at com.nimsoft.ctd.transform.thresholds.cache.RemoteCache.flush(RemoteCache.java:391)
at com.nimsoft.ctd.transform.thresholds.cache.RemoteCache.access$100(RemoteCache.java:12)
at com.nimsoft.ctd.transform.thresholds.cache.RemoteCache$1.run(RemoteCache.java:57)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:748)
After setting the min/max memory, cold start the vmware probe (Deactivate-Activate).
Make sure if obtains a port and a pid and then see if the issue persists or is resolved.