TIS95DDL.EXE "Could not load file or assembly 'Microsoft.SqlServer.ConnectionInfo, ..."
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TIS95DDL.EXE "Could not load file or assembly 'Microsoft.SqlServer.ConnectionInfo, ..."


Article ID: 142381


Updated On:


Gen Gen - Workstation Toolset


Trying to install DDL generated for the Gen 8.6 sample model into a SQL Server 2016 database GENDB which has been previously created and received this error in the Build Tool:
Initial search for build executables

--- Found TIS95DDL.EXE

Database maintenance started

Unhandled Exception: System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Could not load file or assembly 'Microsoft.SqlServer.ConnectionInfo, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=89845dcd8080cc91' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified.
   at SMOBridge.dbConnect(SMOBridge* , SByte* conn, SByte* usr, SByte* pwd)
   at dbConnect(SByte* conn, SByte* usr, SByte* pwd)
   at _mainCRTStartup()
GENDB Error: Database Install Failed


Release : 8.6
Gen Build Tool


The root cause is that the required version of SQL Server Shared Management Objects (SMO) is not installed e.g. Microsoft.SqlServer.ConnectionInfo load error


SQL Server Shared Management Objects "Version=" is part of the SQL Server 2014 Feature Pack: SQL SERVER – Error: Could not Load File or Assembly Microsoft. SqlServer. management. sdk. sfc Version

1. Go to Microsoft SQL Server 2014 Feature Pack page: Microsoft® SQL Server® 2014 Feature Pack  

2a. If Build Tool Profile OPTIONS token OPT.BITS is set to default value of 32, the installer executable "%GEN86%\Gen\TIS95DDL.EXE" will be used. Download and install the x86 versions of SQLSysClrTypes.msi and SharedManagementObjects.msi.
b. If Build Tool Profile OPTIONS token OPT.BITS is set to 64, the installer executable "%GEN86%\Gen\AMD64\TIS95DDL.EXE" will be used. Download and install the x64 versions of SQLSysClrTypes.msi and SharedManagementObjects.msi.

Then the DDL install should be successful per below:
--- Found TIS95DDL.EXE

Database maintenance started

TIS95DDL: CA Gen SQLServer DDL Installer
TIS95DDL: Copyright (C) 2016 CA. All rights reserved.
TIS95DDL: All rights reserved.

TIS95DDL: Connection="Server_instance", User="sa", Password="***********"

TIS95DDL: Database GENDB Used
TIS95DDL: Table DIVISION Created
TIS95DDL: Table EMPLOYEE Created
TIS95DDL: Table PROJECT Created
TIS95DDL: Table TEAM Created
TIS95DDL: Index I0000048 Created
TIS95DDL: Index I0000050 Created
TIS95DDL: Index I0000052 Created
TIS95DDL: Index I0000054 Created
TIS95DDL: Index I0000056 Created
TIS95DDL: Index I0000058 Created
TIS95DDL: Index I0000060 Created
TIS95DDL: Index I0000062 Created
TIS95DDL: DDL Install Succeeded

GENDB Database Installed Successfully.