txpi changes to maintenance when XCOM for Sunlink & Brixton is Started
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txpi changes to maintenance when XCOM for Sunlink & Brixton is Started


Article ID: 142345


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XCOM Data Transport XCOM - SUPPORT


Before starting XCOM, txpi is online and listening on port 8044. However. when XCOM is started, the txpi service changes to maintenance and port 8044 is not listening.

svcs -a |grep -i txpi

online           svc:/network/txpis/tcp:default
online           svc:/network/txpi6/tcp6:default
online           svc:/network/txpis6/tcp6:default
maintenance    svc:/network/txpi/tcp:default

An xcomd trace does not show any errors.


  • XCOMâ„¢ Data Transport® for SUNLINK v9.1 & BRIXTON 11.6 13012 SP00
  • Oracle Solaris 10 1/13 s10s_u11wos_24a SPARC


There was a problem with txpi in the inetd Solaris services.


  1. Run 'svcs -xv' to see what is failing.
  2. Check the logs in /var/svc/log to see why they are failing.

There was a problem in the txpi from inetd Solaris services, once that was corrected port 8044 was listening when XCOM was started.