snmpcollector 4.0+ includes incorrect samplerate value in QOS/ Breaks Static TOT
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snmpcollector 4.0+ includes incorrect samplerate value in QOS/ Breaks Static TOT


Article ID: 142322


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DX Unified Infrastructure Management (Nimsoft / UIM) CA Unified Infrastructure Management On-Premise (Nimsoft / UIM) CA Unified Infrastructure Management SaaS (Nimsoft / UIM)


snmpcollector 4.03+ includes the incorrect samplerate value in the QOS message and Breaks TOT threshold calculation

QOS Message for 1 min poll rate includes a samplerate of 1800 (This should be 60)
QOS Message for 5 min poll rate includes a samplerate of 9000 (This should be 300)
QOS Message for 10 min poll rate includes a samplerate of 18000 (This should be 600)

The incorrect samplerate is seen in DrNimbus and in the RN_QOS* table


snmpcollector 4.03+ 


  • snmpcollector smallest poll interval value defaults to 30 seconds


Add below key in snmpcollector probe's setup section via raw configure:



1. Deactivate the snmpcollector probe
2. Open raw configuration of the probe in Admin Console.
3. Go to setup section
4. Add new key/value pair as shown
5. Save the changes
6. Activate probe

Samplerate value in QOS Message for 1 min poll rate should now be 60
Samplerate value in QOS Message for 5 min poll rate should now be 300
Samplerate value in QOS Message for 10 min poll rate should now be 600


The samplerate value in the QOS message is stored in the database (RN_QOS_DATA_* tables)  and not visible through USM reports.

Use the following queries to check the samplerate value for a given QOS and Device

1. Select a device that is being monitored by the snmpcollector probe.

2. Replace 'devicename' with any device being monitored by the snmpcollector probe and run the query to identify its table_id and RN_QOS_DATA_* table.

In this example, we are using QOS_AVAILABILITY_AVAILABILITY monitor.

select table_id, r_table from s_qos_data where source = 'devicename' and qos = 'QOS_AVAILABILITY_AVAILABILITY' 

3. Take the table_id and RN_QOS_Data_* table values and run the query below to check the samplerate column

To see current samplerate values:
select * from  RN_QOS_DATA_#### where table_id = #### order by sampletime desc;

To see samplerate values prior to adding the SMALLEST_POLL_INTERVAL =1 snmpcollector key
select * from RN_QOS_DATA_#### where table_id = #### order by sampletime asc;

Additional Information

You may also want to clear out the following, to clean up the bogus alarms:

- deactivate nas on the snmpcollector machine
- deactivate alarm_enrichment on the snmpcollector machine
- delete the following on the snmpcollector machine:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Nimsoft\probes\service\nas\alarm_enrichment\db\TOTAlarmCandidateDb.ser
C:\Program Files (x86)\Nimsoft\probes\service\nas\alarm_enrichment\db\TOTAlarmCandidateDb.ser.p

- activate alarm_enrichment on the snmpcollector machine
- activate nas on the snmpcollector machine

Clear existing alarms from within the alarm console.