How can i replace a failed vertica node that is down and the OS will be reinstalled?
CAPM 3.x
Refer to the following vertica documentation:
Vertica Documentation : Installing Vertica with the Installation Script
The steps should be the following:
1. Reinstall the OS on server 2
2. From node 1 (The UP node), run the following to optimize the system and re-setup root public key:
/opt/CA/IMDataRepository_vertica9/ -p
3. Refer to the link above to install Vertica. The command will be:
/opt/vertica/sbin/install_vertica --hosts node0002 --rpm /opt/CA/IMDataRepository_vertica9/resources/vertica-9.1.1-0.x86_64.RHEL6.rpm --dba-user dradmin
Where node0002
is the name of node 2 on your environment
4. Use adminTools from an existing node to restart the new host
The above steps assume that Vertica will be installed on the same system, where the host name and IP remain the same