Device based Group Membership list in Performance Management
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Device based Group Membership list in Performance Management


Article ID: 142152


Updated On:


CA Infrastructure Management CA Performance Management - Usage and Administration DX NetOps


In the Device Context page, in the Details page, in the Groups Membership list, the bottom shows the message:

  • Group list truncated. Displaying 10 of ##.

Where ## is the total number of Groups the given device is a member of.


All supported Performance Management releases


Group Membership list in the Details Context page is limited to 10 groups.


  1. Bring up the Context page for the target device.
  2. The URL for the page in the browser will show the Performance Center data base ItemID for the device in "DeviceID=<ID>". For example URL:


    Here the ID for the device is DeviceID=334.
  3. Take the ID and log into the Performance Center web server.
  4. Go to (default path) /opt/CA/MySql/bin.
  5. Log into mysql using:

    ./mysql -uroot -p netqosportal
  6. When prompted, enter the password to enter the mysql prompt.
  7. Run the following query replacing <DeviceID> with the device ID from the URL found above.

    select tg.itemid,tg.itemname from t_group tg inner join item_members im on tg.itemid=im.parentid where childid = <DeviceID>;

Sample output might look like the following from a lab test:

mysql> select tg.itemid,tg.itemname from t_group tg inner join item_members im on tg.itemid=im.parentid where childid = 334;
| itemid | itemname                 |
|      7 | Default Domain           |
|     32 | NULL                     |
|    113 | All Spectrum Devices     |
|    116 | HostName(0x1000000) |
|    574 | Servers                  |
|   1047 | TestGroup1               |
|   1049 | TestGroup2               |
|   1050 | TestGroup3               |
|   1051 | TestGroup4               |
|   1052 | TestGroup5               |
|   1053 | TestGroup6               |
|   1055 | TestGroup7               |
|   1056 | TestGroup8               |
|   1058 | TestGroup9               |
|   1060 | TestGroup10              |
|   1061 | TestGroup11              |
|   1062 | TestGroup12              |
17 rows in set (0.01 sec)

Additional Information

This is the only method for obtaining full Group membership listings for a given device. To request a change to this submit an Enhancement Request.

  • Enhancements are submitted via Idea posts submitted to the DxNetOps Community site which includes the Performance Management product.