How does CA Workload iDash Work?
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How does CA Workload iDash Work?


Article ID: 142122


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iDash Workload Automation


Customer wants to clone the CA Workload Automation AE Production DataBase to create reports with  CA Workload Automation iDash installed in development environment.  

Is it sufficient to clone only the CA Workload Automation AE Production DataBase or is it necessary to create a new instance of CA workload Automation AE that points to the cloned DataBase?


IDash WA


It is okay to set a Workload automation replica DB (copy of Workload automation production instance) to communicate with iDash (only for Reports and not SLA).  If this is what your customer is setting up, then yes, its enough to replicate it and to communicate with iDash.

The iDash database stores configuration and security settings, SLA definitions, objects, and reports. The database also stores historical data such as average job run times, events, and audit information.

Reports are based on data that is currently in the iDash database.