XCOM queue status values for transfers (Linux, Unix, Windows)
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XCOM queue status values for transfers (Linux, Unix, Windows)


Article ID: 142085


Updated On: 07-09-2024


XCOM Data Transport XCOM Data Transport - Windows XCOM Data Transport - Linux PC


In XCOM under Linux, Unix or Windows what are the possible status values for transfers in the queue?


  • XCOM™ Data Transport® for Windows
  • XCOM™ Data Transport® for UNIX/ Linux PC


The list of possible transfer status values is as follows:
- SCHDL - Transfer posted into the queue and waiting for scheduled start in a future date/time

- STARTING - Transfer is ready to run as soon as it can get a session or connection with the partner as per the partner's session limit in xcom.ses file.
- ACTIVE - Transfer is running
- HELD - transfer has been held by operator command
- PENDING - Transfer has failed due to a restartable condition and is waiting to be automatically restarted by xcomd
- WAITING - Same as pending but the transfer needs manual restart, as it happens with remotely-initiated transfers.
-  DONE - Transfer is complete (successful or failed) and will be removed from the queue when it expires.

Additional Information

The command 'xcomqm -La' can be used to list the queue entries and display the status e.g.
xcomqm Command
XCOMQM Command