There is a possibility to get extended support from Microsoft, which is chargeable. Microsoft will provide security patches to Extended support contract customers only.
Will Broadcom Content team continue to publish patches for Windows 7 which are provided to Extended Support Customers ?
Client Automation - All Versions
Support for Windows 7 will be discontinued from 14.01.2020.
Microsoft will provide security patches for windows 7 Extended support customers only. Broadcom content team will not continue providing the patches for windows 7 which are part of Extended support .
Here is the process you have to follow to make that patch Available in Software Delivery Library.
1. Download the patch from Microsoft Site( Only Extended Support customer will have access to download the Msi individual KB patches.
2. Copy the patches to Domain manager.
3. Broadcom will provide a package tool which is still in development , this tool will help to make KB patches to Software delivery package. ( Development is working on this to provide soon but there is no ETA now ).
Please raise a issue with Support to get this tool.