Endevor not using the default values specified in ENDICNFG
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Endevor not using the default values specified in ENDICNFG


Article ID: 141931


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We have an option set as Y in the ENDICFG table but when an element is retrieved the option defaults to N

               SIGNOUT_ELEMENT=Y,                                      X
Why is this?



Release : 18.0 18.1

Component : CA Endevor Software Change Manager


The ENDICNFG table is used to set the default value on a screen *IF* your Endevor ISPF profile does not already have a value for the field saved. 
Endevor will first look at your Endevor ISPF profile and see if you have a value for the field already saved. 
>  If it does, then Endevor uses that value and doesn't even look at ENDICNFG
>  If it does not, then Endevor uses the value specified in the ENDICNFG table.



If you want to check your ENDICNFG changes:
1)  Rename the CTLIPROF member in  your.ISPF.ISPPROF library
2)  Log into Endevor and check the values on the screen.
Once you are done testing -
1)  Delete the newly created CTLIPROF member in  your.ISPF.ISPPROF library
2)  Rename your original CTLIPROF back to get all your previously saved values back.