Resource Time Summary and Detail report period missing and same Note displayed for each period
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Resource Time Summary and Detail report period missing and same Note displayed for each period


Article ID: 141927


Updated On:


Clarity PPM On Premise Clarity PPM SaaS


The report is poorly formatted (periods missing) and note is duplicated for each period.

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Open the Resource Time Summary and Detail report for two periods

  2. Filter on Resource OBS

 In the results, you do not see the second period. Some also display notes, when the timesheets do not have any timesheet notes.


Release : All supported Clarity releases


Running queries on the database you find the notes by the text without a prrecordid (NULL)

The issue is coming from the fact that in the report the query is built like this

0 timesheetid

Additionally, there is an orphan note in the PRNOTE table with a NULL PRRECORDID that was brought into the Data Warehouse as 0 for PRRECORDID in dwh_tme_sheet_note.timesheet_key


Workaround 1:

Follow the solution below to delete the note from the database and then run the Load Data Warehouse job again:
{Replace prid 5xxxxxx with the actual note ID):

delete from prnote
prtablename = 'PRTimeSheet' 
and prid = 5xxxxxx 

delete from odf_ca_timesheetnote 
where id = 5xxxxxx

Both should delete 1 record, then you commit.  

Workaround 2:

If you know which timesheet the note should belong to, reset the note PRRECORDID to point to the most likely timesheet for the user. Once you update it should show in UI.

Once you apply either of the workarounds:

  1. Run the Load Data Warehouse - Full Load
  2. Check out the report again, it should display properly

Additional Information

See also: Jaspersoft / reports known issues with Clarity