This document outlines the steps needed to generate thread dumps of the Spectrum OneClick Tomcat process if the process is hung or consuming over 100% cpu consistently.
Spectrum 20.2.x
Component: SPCOCK: Spectrum OneClick
Debugging Purposes
As root user, obtain the pid of the OneClick process: ./ps -ef | grep -i java
Use the kill command to generate the thread dump - this does not actually kill the process:
./kill -3 pid_of_tomcat
For example:
./kill -3 4522
This will dump the threads to the $SPECROOT/tomcat/logs/catalina.out.
Run the command 3x and then provide the catalina.out to Broadcom support.
Obtain the pid of the Spectrum Tomcat process in Windows Task Manager (OneClickService.exe)
Go to Start-Run and type: bash -login
You will be in the $SPECROOT directory.
cd to $SPECROOT/lib/SDPM
Use the kill command to generate the thread dump - this does not actually kill the process:
./kill -BREAK pid_of_tomcat
For example:
./kill -BREAK 4522
This will dump the threads to the $SPECROOT/tomcat/logs/jvm.log
Run the command 5x and then provide the jvm.log to Broadcom support.