How to determine what job is creating high volume of DSCLOSE events that are passed to Scheduler?
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How to determine what job is creating high volume of DSCLOSE events that are passed to Scheduler?


Article ID: 141916


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Scheduler Job Management


The CA ENF DSCLOSE event occurs when an SMF 15 record is generated.  SMF 15 is generated when a data set is created. 

The DSCLOSE events are used in Scheduler as data set dependencies before a JOB/SCHEDULE is released.   A high volume of DSCLOSE can impact Scheduler performance. 

How to determine what job is generating a high volume of DSCLOSE and exclude these events from CA ENF?


Common Services for z/OS, component: CA ENF


  • Run the Scheduler CAISUPT trace 3 to display the ENF diagnostic messages.

To turn on the trace: 

From the Scheduler ISPF Free Form Command menu,  
enter "CAISUPT SET=03".    

         Let the trace run for 1 minute and then reset the trace.                                           
To reset the trace: 

From the Scheduler ISPF Free Form Command menu,    
enter "CAISUPT RESET=03".                                              


  • Review the Scheduler started task for the trace output what is causing the high volume of DSCLOSE.
  • Use the ENF SCREEN command,  F ENF,SCREEN(DSCLOSE,ACCESS,EQ,INPUT)  to dynamically add the SCREEN command to discard the DSCLOSE event if the data set is opened for input. 
  • To discard DSCLOSE event for a specific data set:  F ENF,SCREEN(DSCLOSE,EQ,