Question: How do I integrate Jasper Server and Identity Governance?
Identity Governance,
both VAPP and non-VAPP deployments.
a. If Vapp – Navigate to /opt/CA/wildfly-ig/standalone/deployments/eurekify.war/WEB-INF/classes
b. If Windows – Navigate to eurekify-jboss home directory\standalone\deployments\eurekify.war\WEB-INF\classes
c. copy the ig.jks file and file to Apache-Tomcat Home Directory\webapps\context-root\WEB-INF\config
2. Log into Identity Governance
3. Navigate to Administration à CA Report Server Settings
4. Enter in the following information
a. Report Sever URL: http://hostname:port/context-root
b. User ID
c. Password
5. Once information is entered, click ‘Test Connection’
6. The test connection is completed successfully
7. Next click Save
8. You will receive ‘Reports folder does not exist, Please upload the reports package’.
9. Click Start to upload the reports package
10. Enter in report server settings to upload the package
a. User ID for Jasper Server
b. Password for Jasper server
c. Report Database name (Governance Report database)
d. Report Database password (Governance Report database)
11. Once the information is verified, click OK
12. Once the process completes, the Report List is generated.