Having Trouble Configuring New OM Web Viewer 12.1 Server
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Having Trouble Configuring New OM Web Viewer 12.1 Server


Article ID: 141592


Updated On: 06-14-2024


Output Management Web Viewer


We received a new Red hat 7 Virtual Linux Server to replace an older Red hat6 Server. Having trouble configuring the new server.  I am stuck at the database section.  We are using the same mainframe Db2 as the original server. The connection test on the new server keeps failing.  I have tried several variations.  It doesn't say why it failed and we didn't find a log; maybe because the is a new build?   Can we look at the current configuration on the current working server and compare to the new server?


  • Output Management Web Viewer for Linux 12.1
  • Red Hat 7
  • Apache Tomcat®
  • IBM Db2


In configuring under Red Hat 7, the DB2 DB password was not provided. WVProfile.properties files were compared. Copying the encrypted password from the RHEL 6 system to the RHEL 7 system and recycling Apache Tomcat® resolved the issue.