Quick edit r18.1.00
No problem when use Quick edit to browse the element.
Got error message ENDE082E when edit the element.
Hit PF1, it shows ENDE082E The ISPF/PDF EDIT service passed a return code of X'0000000C'
Release : 18.1
Component : CA Endevor Software Change Manager
This error is usually caused by the FAIL_ON_LMF_LOCK keyword value in the ISPF Configuration Table. Make sure the value is NO.
Note that this keyword is in the ISPF Configuration Table, not the ENDEVOR ENDICNFG table.
The ISPF Configuration Table is a component of ISPF itself. You can find where it is located by going into ISPF and entering TSO ISPCCONF - this
will bring up the ISPF Configuration Utility panel, at the bottom of which is displayed the name of the Current Configuration Table / Keyword File.