Why does $HASP913 appear before ACF2 message 'ACF01007'?
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Why does $HASP913 appear before ACF2 message 'ACF01007'?


Article ID: 141470


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ACF2 ACF2 - DB2 Option ACF2 for zVM ACF2 - z/OS ACF2 - MISC


Trying to capture all ACF2 access related access issues using OPSMVS AOF rules. 

Found messages in the log:

05.08.24 JOB44187  $HASP913 jobname ACF01007 A PASSWORD IS REQUIRED FOR LOGONID xxx systemname

05.08.24 JOB44187  $HASP913 jobname $ACFJ213 CANCELLED BY ACF2 (ACF01007)

Why does the $HASP913 message ID's appear?


Release : 16.0

Component : CA ACF2 for z/OS


Since ACF2 is running exits for pre-validation of jobs through JES2 all ACF2 messages must be issued from JES.

The $HASP913 is a JES2 issued message. ACF2 tells JES2 what part of the JCL is not valid.

Then JES2 will put out a message $HASP913 jobname 'ESM message' system. In the case, you have the $HASP913 followed by a jobname and the ESM reason from ACF2 'ACF01007 A PASSWORD IS REQUIRED FOR LOGONID xxx' on systemname.