CA WA Agent does not install properly on Windows non primary drive.
Release : 11.4
The WA Agent 11.4 may not install on non primary drive like D: or E:. This is because the installer does not properly CD to correct TEMP drive.
The workaround to install on a non-primary drive is to export or set two temp variables before running the setup of agent.
1. Open command prompt.
2. Set these two variables (change drive letter as per your actual drive)
set TMP=D:\TMP
3. Check if they have been set by running:
echo %TEMP%
echo %TMP%
4. In the same command prompt, run setup.exe and install the agent.
Note: All the above commands must in the same command prompt
For silent install, setup a batch script to first export the TEMP variables and then run the setup.exe.