Vantage Summary object creation using a model fails with "Object Snnxxxxx already exists."
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Vantage Summary object creation using a model fails with "Object Snnxxxxx already exists."


Article ID: 141421


Updated On:


Vantage Storage Resource Manager



When creating a summary object using a model, Vantage attempts to save the object  under the same name the model is save under and fails with message:

"Object Snnxxxxx already exists. Make desired changes or exit."   

The only way out is to cancel.  A windows client restart does not correct the problem.  


Windows Client version:  12.7.871.3
Vantage Release : 14.0
Component : CA Vantage Storage Resource Manager


When creating a new summary by copying in an existing summary as model,
at least any other field than Name, Description and Mode needs to be changed. 

As long as only Name, Description and Mode are changed, the new summary will be considered the same as the already existing one 
and the error message "Object Snnxxxxx already exists. Make desired changes or exit." will be issued
when trying to save it under the same name, as member Snnxxxxx in the vantage.SUMMDEFS library.   

For example, just add a SORT attribute and the new summary would be saved under a different name Smmyyyyy in the vantage.SUMMDEFS library.  




Additional Information

A Vantage Summary object is a Vantage object existing on the Vantage Host task, where it was created. Anyone connected to the host can open the Summary object and work with it.
As any other Vantage object, the Summary object has to be uniquely identified by the object Id.
For example Storage Groups -> Space and Other Attributes have object ID POOLS.
This unique object Id is used in scripts to identify the object.