How can I stop and start a vertica node in a three node cluster?
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How can I stop and start a vertica node in a three node cluster?


Article ID: 141383


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CA Performance Management - Usage and Administration DX NetOps


We have a 3 DR cluster of Vertica DB servers.  We would like to automate the restart of a vertica host within the cluster after patching and server reboot.  I found this KB article but wanted to see if there was a way to start the host back up without using the menu system of 'admintools'



CAPM 3.x


The following commands will stop and start a node

-- stop a node

adminTools -t stop_node --hosts xx.xx.xx.xx

-- start a node

adminTools -t restart_node --hosts xx.xx.xx.xx -d DBNAME -p 'password'