There are a number of packages that are needed for functionality, and yet once deployed, they do not show up in either the IM or Admin Console. This provides a method to see all of the packages deployed to a robot and their details such as version and build.
Via Infrastructure Manager (IM) GUI
Select the robot -> select controller -> double click or right click Configure to open the GUI interface -> choose Status Tab-> Installed packages > there will be a popup with the list of installed packages and click the + to the left of a package to expand and display all of the details.
Via Admin Console
Select the robot -> Installed Packages -> click the export icon, the 'square with the arrow' -> it will be saved to disk in the naming format of InstalledPackage_xxxxx.csv containing:
"Package","Version","Build Number", and "Description."
Via PU command
pu -u <UIM administrator account name> -p <UIM administrator account password> <UIM robot address>controller inst_list > inst.txt
pu -u administrator -p Hello /<domain>/<hub>/<robot>/controller inst_list_summary > <robot>i-inst.txt
Or use the inst_list argument if the complete details are desired.
Local File System
The list of installed packages displayed is maintained locally on the robot file system at:
PU.EXE documentation page:
Run probe commands from a command prompt
Query to provide the list of robot UIM (a.k.a NimBUS addresses):
SELECT distinct r.address
from cm_device cd
join cm_nimbus_robot r on r.dev_id=cd.dev_id
join cm_computer_system cs on cs.cs_id=cd.cs_id