List of devices in NetOps Data Aggregator that are SNMP polled
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List of devices in NetOps Data Aggregator that are SNMP polled


Article ID: 141303


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CA Performance Management - Usage and Administration DX NetOps


I need to pull the list of devices that use SNMP in CA Performance Management. How could I accomplish this?

Create list of SNMP Polled devices with Item ID values from the DX NetOps Performance Management Data Aggregator.


All supported DX NetOps Performance Management releases


To obtain a list of all SNMP polled or Manageable devices you would need to utilize Data Aggregator REST web services.

This is a REST POST, so it requires a rest client, and cannot be done in a browser.

The endpoint <scheme>://<DA_HostName>:<Port>/rest/devices/manageable will contain only SNMP polled devices.

The following is an example of a filtered call to get the Item ID, Name and IP Address for all SNMP Polled devices.

  • URL: daHostname:8581/rest/devices/manageable/filtered
  • Method: POST
  • Headers: Content-Type:application/xml
  • Authorization Header: Set an Administrative role enabled user and it's password. Easy option is the default OOTB admin user and it's password.
  • Body:

    <FilterSelect xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="filter.xsd">
    <Select use="exclude" isa="exclude">
    <Item use="exclude">
    <Name use="include"/>
    <Device use="exclude">
    <PrimaryIPAddress use="include"/>

Additional Information

If you would prefer to use a command line and not a REST client, then you can use this cURL syntax:

This will also format the output.

if you are using http:

curl -kv -u admin -X POST -H 'Content-type: application/xml' -d '<FilterSelect xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="filter.xsd"><Select use="exclude" isa="exclude"><Item use="exclude"><Name use="include"/></Item><Device use="exclude"><PrimaryIPAddress use="include"/></Device></Select></FilterSelect>' http://YOUR-DA:8581/rest/devices/manageable/filtered | xmllint --format - | grep "<ID>" | sed -e 's/<ID>//g' -e 's/<\/ID>//g' -e 's/\\s\+//g' -e 's/^[ \t]*//' >/tmp/devices.txt

if you are using https:

curl -kv -u admin -X POST -H 'Content-type: application/xml' -d '<FilterSelect xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="filter.xsd"><Select use="exclude" isa="exclude"><Item use="exclude"><Name use="include"/></Item><Device use="exclude"><PrimaryIPAddress use="include"/></Device></Select></FilterSelect>' https://YOUR-DA:8582/rest/devices/manageable/filtered | xmllint --format - | grep "<ID>" | sed -e 's/<ID>//g' -e 's/<\/ID>//g' -e 's/\\s\+//g' -e 's/^[ \t]*//' >/tmp/devices.txt


Please note in the example, I used the local admin account, you can use your own account as long as it has admin rights to console.

Please replace YOUR-DA with your DA.