Some hardware information about an agent is not updated or shows incorrectly in DSM Explorer GUI.
Client Automation - All versions
Problem could be caused by a wrong AM inventory for the agent machine.
Force a full inventory locally on the target by runnning the following command line:
D:\>caf start amagent args -rescan_inventory -collect
CA DSM r14 Common Application Framework 14.0.2000.255
Copyright (c) 2017 CA Technologies. All rights reserved.
Starting amagent...
The DSM service was started as instance 'amagent'.
Command completed successfully.
or via DSM Explorer GUI:
On DM expand DS Explorer > server - Domain > Computers and Users >
select the target group > on the right panel select the target agents > right-click >
Asset Jobs > Activate Job Check > select "Rescan Hardware Inventory" and "Re-collect"
> OK
For both options, DM wait for the collect task of scalability server of target agents
to complete at least two cycles, then check if the Agent Last Run date column and the
hardware information was updated accordingly.