How can we disable password expiration for users
Dx NetOps Performance Management any version
External user's passwords should not be affected by the password lifespan.
this is a know defect and is fixed in 3.7.5 and newer versions.
[root@NetOpsPortal]# ./SsoConfig
Single Sign-On Configuration Tool
Enter q to quit the program or b to go back to previous menu
SSO Configuration:
1. DX NetOps
Choose an option > 1
SSO Configuration/DX NetOps:
1. LDAP Authentication
2. SAML2 Authentication
3. Performance Center
4. Single Sign-On
5. Test LDAP
6. Export SAML2 Service Provider Metadata
7. Enable FIPS
8. Performance Center Local Password Authentication
9. Enable or Disable a user account.
Choose an option > 8
SSO Configuration/DX NetOps/Performance Center Local Password Authentication:
Enforce password requirements (default: Enabled):
Allow REST to create users with usernames and passwords that match (default: Enabled):
Minimum password length (default: 8):
Password lifespan (default:105 days):
Disable password expiration for a specific user:
Enable password expiration for a specific user:
Expire password for a specific user:
Expire all passwords immediately:
Failed login attempts before blocking (default 6):
Timeframe for failed login attempts (default 3 minutes):
Disable user after failed login attempts (default: Disabled):
Number of minutes to block IP address after failed login attempts (default: 0 minutes (Disabled)):
1. Remote Value
2. Local Override
Select 1 Remote Value to modify the setting.
SSO Configuration/DX NetOps/Performance Center Local Password Authentication/Remote Value:
1. Enforce password requirements (default: Enabled):
2. Allow REST to create users with usernames and passwords that match (default: Enabled):
3. Minimum password length (default: 8):
4. Password lifespan (default:105 days):
5. Disable password expiration for a specific user:
6. Enable password expiration for a specific user:
7. Expire password for a specific user:
8. Expire all passwords immediately:
9. Failed login attempts before blocking (default 6):
10. Timeframe for failed login attempts (default 3 minutes):
11. Disable user after failed login attempts (default: Disabled):
12. Number of minutes to block IP address after failed login attempts (default: 0 minutes (Disabled)):
13. Enable specific user ID for internal REST user credentials (default: Enabled):
14. Set ID for internal REST user credentials (default: 1):
15. Set name for internal REST user credentials (default: admin):
16. Block all local user accounts (default: Disabled):
17. Set ID for internal user administration credentials (default: 1):
Next, choose option 4 password lifespan
use u for update and set it to 0 to disable the lifespan.
Just for reference:
IF you got the message:
INFO: No file found. Using default DB connection configuration.
INFO: No file found. Using default DB connection configuration.
This is already fixed on CAPM 3.7.7 or you can manually disabled via mysql using the netqosportal table:
update user_definitions set PasswordExpiration=0 where name='username';
select PasswordExpiration from user_definitions where username = <username>;