How to Disable User Password Expiration on NetOps Portal
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How to Disable User Password Expiration on NetOps Portal


Article ID: 141055


Updated On:


CA Infrastructure Management CA Performance Management - Usage and Administration DX NetOps


How can we disable password expiration for users


Dx NetOps Performance Management any version


External user's passwords should not be affected by the password lifespan.
this is a know defect and is fixed in 3.7.5 and newer versions.


[root@NetOpsPortal]# ./SsoConfig
Single Sign-On Configuration Tool
Enter q to quit the program or b to go back to previous menu

SSO Configuration:
1. DX NetOps
Choose an option > 1

SSO Configuration/DX NetOps:
1. LDAP Authentication
2. SAML2 Authentication
3. Performance Center
4. Single Sign-On
5. Test LDAP
6. Export SAML2 Service Provider Metadata
7. Enable FIPS
8. Performance Center Local Password Authentication
9. Enable or Disable a user account.
Choose an option > 8

SSO Configuration/DX NetOps/Performance Center Local Password Authentication:
Enforce password requirements (default: Enabled):
Allow REST to create users with usernames and passwords that match (default: Enabled):
Minimum password length (default: 8):
Password lifespan (default:105 days):
Disable password expiration for a specific user:
Enable password expiration for a specific user:
Expire password for a specific user:
Expire all passwords immediately:
Failed login attempts before blocking (default 6):
Timeframe for failed login attempts (default 3 minutes):
Disable user after failed login attempts (default: Disabled):
Number of minutes to block IP address after failed login attempts (default: 0 minutes (Disabled)):

1. Remote Value
2. Local Override

Select 1 Remote Value to modify the setting. 


SSO Configuration/DX NetOps/Performance Center Local Password Authentication/Remote Value:
1. Enforce password requirements (default: Enabled):
2. Allow REST to create users with usernames and passwords that match (default: Enabled):
3. Minimum password length (default: 8):
4. Password lifespan (default:105 days):
5. Disable password expiration for a specific user:
6. Enable password expiration for a specific user:
7. Expire password for a specific user:
8. Expire all passwords immediately:
9. Failed login attempts before blocking (default 6):
10. Timeframe for failed login attempts (default 3 minutes):
11. Disable user after failed login attempts (default: Disabled):
12. Number of minutes to block IP address after failed login attempts (default: 0 minutes (Disabled)):
13. Enable specific user ID for internal REST user credentials (default: Enabled):
14. Set ID for internal REST user credentials (default: 1):
15. Set name for internal REST user credentials (default: admin):
16. Block all local user accounts (default: Disabled):
17. Set ID for internal user administration credentials (default: 1):

Next, choose option 4 password lifespan

use u for update and set it to 0 to disable the lifespan.

Just for reference:


IF you got the message:

INFO: No file found. Using default DB connection configuration.

INFO: No file found. Using default DB connection configuration.


This is already fixed on CAPM 3.7.7 or you can manually disabled via mysql using the netqosportal table:

update user_definitions set PasswordExpiration=0 where name='username';

select PasswordExpiration from  user_definitions where username = <username>;