Using version of the Eclipse UI
3 scenarios:
1. On the sandpit Sysplex with the latest WebService (all PTFs applied) - Successful login with the Eclipse UI pop up box
2. On the "live" Sysplex with the latest WebService (all PTFs applied) - Unsuccessful login with the Eclipse UI pop up box
To install the WebService I copy over the ZFS with the tomcat software from the sandpit to the "live" plex so the software is identical/
3. On the "live" Sysplex (the same Sysplex as scenario 2) and the old WebService (from last December) - Successful login with the Eclipse UI pop up box (still using version
2 and 3 are on the same Sysplex so have the same RACF database, STC JCL and SDTPARMS are identical
** The APIs work successfully through Postman for the "live" Sysplex with the latest WebService
Release : 18.0.12
Component : CA Endevor Software Change Manager
There is a known problem with lower or mix cases password when logging in Eclipse UI when the security product is RACF and NOMIXEDCASE option is on.
It seems that, in this case, RACF does not automatically uppercase the password inserted. So, the workaround for this problem was to use an uppercase password.
The Endevor logic behind for all the other REST requests uppercases the password when NOMIXEDCASE is on in RACF. However, /auth request is new and the uppercasing logic was not added.
The solution has been included in the PTF SO10944 which includes the code that uppercases the password when NOMIXEDCASE option in RACF is on. This allows users with lower or mix case password to logon or perform REST /auth request without issues.