PIMv14 agents running on RHEL6.10 and RHEL 7.5 are showing event messages on our endpoints.
This can be seen when you query for a deployed policy on the endpoint using the selang command:-
sr hnode __local__
The observed message says:-
"The product has restarted ReportAgent due to memory threshold breach 300MB
What does this message mean and if this is an issue what is the resolution.?
editres HNODE ('__local__') attributes+(REGISTERED_NAME=server.example.com MAC_ADDRESS=##-##-##-##) events+('Type=Restart;Time=1570939786;Module=ReportAgent;Reason=Memory;Count=300' 'Type=Restart;Time=1571025726;Module=ReportAgent;Reason=Memory;Count=300' 'Type=Restart;Time=1571198506;Module=ReportAgent;Reason=Memory;Count=300' 'Type=Restart;Time=1571112571;Module=ReportAgent;Reason=Memory;Count=300' 'Type=Restart;Time=1570852946;Module=ReportAgent;Reason=Memory;Count=300' 'Type=Restart;Time=1570767010;Module=ReportAgent;Reason=Memory;Count=300' 'Type=Restart;Time=1570680165;Module=ReportAgent;Reason=Memory;Count=300' 'Type=Restart;Time=1570594230;Module=ReportAgent;Reason=Memory;Count=300' 'Type=Restart;Time=1570507390;Module=ReportAgent;Reason=Memory;Count=300' 'Type=Restart;Time=1570421450;Module=ReportAgent;Reason=Memory;Count=300')
To avoid warning messages I recommend that you check how much memory is consumed by AgentManager after it initializes itself (say, 30 seconds after you see its start message) and adjust the ProcVSizeHigh token in seos.ini if its value is too close to the AgentManager virtual memory size. I use the following to check that process memory:
/tmp/CA> ps -e -o pid,comm,%cpu,vsz,rss | egrep 'AgentManager|ReportAgent'
128605 ReportAgent 0.0 162520 3804
129017 AgentManager 0.0 257756 15768 <--- Here it is 257MB (without plugins).and it should be OK for the limit of 300
With PUPMAgent configured in, it becomes
/tmp/CA> ps -e -o pid,comm,%cpu,vsz,rss | egrep 'AgentManager|ReportAgent'
129771 ReportAgent 0.0 162520 3800
130182 AgentManager 0.0 389504 14584
130200 AgentManager 0.1 536132 20024 <--- the default of 300 MB is inadequate for this configuration and needs to be increased to avoid seoswd repeatedly logging message about a process that went over the memory limit
Release : 14.0
Component : CA ControlMinder
Increase seos.ini token ProcVSizeHigh to 600.
The threshold of 300 MB was chosen fairly arbitrarily because