Report to identify FREE PACKAGE commands using Log Analyzer
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Report to identify FREE PACKAGE commands using Log Analyzer


Article ID: 140898


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Log Analyzer for DB2 for z/OS


Log Analyzer for Db2 for z/OS (PLA) "DB2 Commands Activity" report does not identify and report "FREE PACKAGE" command. 
CMDREPT  = (OPTS(YES) does not work, it only reports console Db2 commands, for example -DISPLAY command.


The PLA command report does not display all Db2 commands, it is focused on particular record that contains a string of Db2 command which was issued. 

If you would be interested in particular command like FREE PACKAGE, you can use a DML DETAIL report with CATALOG INCLUDE.
Then filter on DELETE statements together with a filter on the SYSIBM.SYSPACKAGE table. Specifying such a table filter in panels
allows you to set a data filter as well and with the data filter you could pick columns of interest.