Configure the LDAP integration with CA UIM.
The Active Directory users are able to connect to Admin Console, but they can't login in UMP or in Operator Console.
We are using UPN (User Principle Name) suffix.
Release : 9.2.0
Component : UIM - UMP
1. Take a backup of hub.cfg. (where LDAP integration configured)
2. Open hub.cfg on hub (where LDAP integration configured) and go to <Active Directory> template section and change:
"format = $username@$domain"
"format = $username"
3. Restart nimsoft service of the hub.
4. Deactivate wasp probe in UMP robot.
5. Take a backup of <UIM>/probes/service/wasp/webapps/ROOT/WEB-INF/classes/ in UMP robot.
6. Modify as follows.
7. Activate wasp probe in UMP robot.
8. Try login UMP with <username> for Active Directory users.