The value of the "Key" element needs to be extracted from the following SOAP Response message.
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="">
<Login xmlns="http://<hostname>.<yourdomain>.com/LoginWS">
<LoginResult Result="OK"/>
The XPath "/s:Envelope/s:Body/Login/Key" was specified for the "Evaluate Response XPath" assertion, but it was failed with the following Associated Logs message.
XPath pattern didn't match response or target message; assertion therefore fails; XPath is '/s:Envelope/s:Body/Login/Key'.
What's wrong?
Component : API Gateway
A prefix wasn't defined for the XML element "Login" which has an xmlns attribute (xmlns="http://<hostname>.<yourdomain>.com/LoginWS").
A prefix has to be defined and it must be specified in the XPath.
The SOAP Response message contains an XML namespace in the <Login> tag (xmlns="http://<hostname>.<yourdomain>.com/LoginWS"), so a prefix for the namespace has to be defined same as the 's' prefix for the SOAP namespace.
For example, the XPath has to be defined as '/s:Envelope/s:Body/k:Login/k:Key' if the prefix is defined as 'k'.