Rally: Custom list stories filter does not work
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Rally: Custom list stories filter does not work


Article ID: 140856


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Rally On-Premise Rally SaaS


If I create a custom list for artifact type of User Story and filter on Owner, the results display children level artifacts - and these can be owned by different users.  So my results show stories that are owned by a different person. 

If I use a query within the application (ex: (Owner = "<[email protected]>") I only see User Stories (no children) for that owner.  



Release : SAAS



I will work from the scenario of selecting User Story as your artifact type in the Custom List Application settings and will discuss the query and filters differences below.

Query: The query within the Application settings will only display artifacts for the artifact type selected in the application page setting (Also referred to as top-level artifacts).  In this case, it is User Stories. 


Filters:  "Filters" on the application page will search all User Stories AND their children for the owner name specified in the filter.  This was designed to help users find all artifacts that may be associated with that owner.  

It is possible to sort by Owner when multiple owners are seen.  This will sort the owner field by top-level artifact.

If you only want top-level artifacts, it will be necessary to use the query function in the application settings.