Gen 8.6 COM Proxy ASP has different Date/Time Format to 7.0
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Gen 8.6 COM Proxy ASP has different Date/Time Format to 7.0


Article ID: 140785


Updated On:


Gen Gen - Run Time Distributed


We found a date format difference for COM Proxy ASP between Gen 7.0 and Gen 8.6.
Using a Gen 8.6 COM Proxy ASP running under IIS on Windows Server 2016, dates with single digit days do not have the leading zero populated even if the Windows Region Short date format is changed from the default d/MM/yyyy to dd/MM/yyyy e.g. January 1, 2019 is populated as 1/01/2019
Using the equivalent old Gen 7.0 COM Proxy ASP running under IIS on Windows Server 2003 the leading zero is visible for single digit days e.g. January 1, 2019 is populated as 01/01/2019.

Support recreated the behaviour in house with a COM Proxy ASP running under IIS on Windows Server 2016 using Short date format dd/MM/yyyy i.e. the leading zero for the day part of the date is not shown.

Control Panel/Region:

Gen 8.6 COM Proxy ASP:


Release : 8.6
Component : Gen Run Time, Proxies


It was found that for the latest Windows OS versions the date format needs to be propagated to all accounts so that the account running the IIS service picks it up. This url covers what needs to be done: How to Change Date-Time Format in IIS on Windows 10?


On the Windows Server 2016 machine running the Gen 8.6 COM Proxy the steps required are as follows.
Using Control Panel/Region:
a. In the Formats tab set the Short date format to be dd/MM/yyyy.
b. Follow the steps on the above page How to Change Date-Time Format in IIS on Windows 10? i.e. in the Administrative Tab click on the Copy Settings button and select options "Welcome screen and system accounts" and "New user accounts".
c. Restart IIS service

Gen 8.6 COM Proxy ASP now shows leading zero: