Interfaces are either missing or showing no data in Performance Management
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Interfaces are either missing or showing no data in Performance Management


Article ID: 140754


Updated On:


CA Infrastructure Management CA Performance Management - Usage and Administration


This may be observed differently depending on different scenarios.

  1. Interfaces previously discovered and polled stop showing new polled data.
  2. Newly discovered interfaces don't appear in Performance Management for reporting.

If this is the case the interfaces should be listed as Filtered and Not Polled.


All supported Performance Management releases


The cause for each scenario in this situation was found to be device related. The device at the command line shows the interfaces as Administrative status Up. The device MIB was responding to Performance Management showing the interface set to Administrative status Down.

  1. For interfaces previously discovered that stop showing new data, it's due to the change being found during the Interface Metric Families Monitoring Profile Change Detection finding the move from Administrative status Up to Down.
  2. For newly discovered interfaces, those found in the Administrative status Down will have items created to represent them. But they will be filtered out and set to Not Polled.

The reason for this is the default filter configured for the Interface Metric Family. It is set to exclude interfaces found with Administrative status Down so they aren't polled, but it will still create the interface item so when the status changes to Up it can begin to be polled.


Ensure the MIB value for the ifAdminStatus MIB OID shows the correct state for the interface. Once resolved update the interface from Filtered and Not Polled to Active and Polled with one of the following actions.

  • Select the Device from the DA Monitored Devices Inventory. Select it's Polled Metric Families tab. Run Update Metric Families to update all, including our target the Interface Metric Family.
  • Select the Device from the DA Monitored Devices Inventory. Select it's Polled Metric Families tab. Select the line for the Interface Metric Family. Run Update Metric Family to update just the one.
  • Wait for the Change Detection cycle to run for the Monitoring Profile involved. Default is every 24 hours, no way to determine when in the next 24 hours from current time it will launch.