Admin warmup command during new install (post install)
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Admin warmup command during new install (post install)


Article ID: 140658


Updated On:


Clarity PPM On Premise


We are doing a new install of Clarity PPM and in the Post-Install steps we run the admin warmup command.
admin warmup -url -user -password -verbose
We do not know what the applnURL should be or how to configure it.


Release : All applicable releases


  • The command should run as follows (example):
    admin warmup -url http://myservername:8080 -user admin -password admin
  • You have to use your Clarity servername and port in -url otherwise it will default to localhost:80. This has always been the default

More information about the possible parameters may be found in the -help menu:


  • You should in most cases skip running the warmup command, it simply builds cache and is not required.
  • Support does not recommend running this command unless specifically needed or asked by Support.
  • Ensure the application is started and then you can try connecting and logging to it. 
  • Once you connect and open pages in Clarity the cache will be built automatically.