Rolling out IDMS maintenance
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Rolling out IDMS maintenance


Article ID: 140630


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IDMS IDMS - Database


Typically an IDMS DBA will maintain a small "sand-box" IDMS system for applying maintenance.
This document describes general guidelines for rolling out applied maintenance to other IDMS systems.


Release : All supported releases
Component : CA IDMS


The changes that IDMS APARs introduce, and how they should be rolled out to the other CVs in an installation, can be broadly categorized as follows:


Updates to executable load modules in CAGJLOAD

Normally, CAGJLOAD exists as a load library in the CDMSLIB ddname of your CVs and in the STEPLIB of batch jobs.
Changes should be copied from the sandbox to your live CVs.
Most clients do this simply by copying the whole library. Some identify the specific load modules updated and copy only those.
Some of the load modules from CAGJLOAD will also be in the STEPLIB of a CV and if so they should be copied across as well.

Updates to SMP/E controlled source and macro libraries.

These do not need to be copied anywhere but such updated modules most likely will be referenced in tasks described in the HOLDDATA of the applied APARs.


Often some activities must be performed that are outside the control of SMP/E.
These will be documented in the HOLDDATA of the individual APARs.
They generally fall into one of the following categories.

Updates to CAIRIM loaded modules

This is an LPAR-wide operation, and the modules are backwards compatible so IDMS CVs running at different maintenance levels can run on the same LPAR.

New RHDCOPTF bit settings

If an APAR provides a new optional bit setting, HOLDDATA will document this, but the bit only has to be enabled if the new functionality is needed.
This is a CV-wide operation.

Dictionary updates

An APAR may provide new records, modules or messages which need to be added to various dictionaries with IDMSDDDL.
This may be needed in only one dictionary (e.g. SYSDIRL in the case of report source modules), or it may have to be applied to every dictionary (e.g. system supplied records).
In a normal CV, the message area (DDLDCMSG) is shared across every dictionary, so these need to be added to only one dictionary per CV.

New source or macros requiring CUSTOM updates

Customized load modules may require re-linking. This is done at CV level.
Typically CUSTOM.LOADLIB is in the CDMSLIB of a CV and the STEPLIB of batch jobs.


Additional Information

Mainframe Common Maintenance Procedures