Why have Tapes status REJ BY TAP MGT SYS in ISMF?
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Why have Tapes status REJ BY TAP MGT SYS in ISMF?


Article ID: 140574


Updated On:


CA 1 Flexible Storage CA 1 Tape Management - Copycat Utility CA 1 Tape Management - Add-On Options


Tapes are being rejected by CA1. In ISMF they show up with SCRATCH  REJ BY TAP MGT SYS.
How to find out why they have been rejected?


Release :

Component : CA 1 Tape Management


Tapes with status "REJ BY TAP MGT SYS" in ISMF have been rejected by CA 1 with message IECTMS3, IECTMS3E or IECTMS3O:


IECTMS3 dddd,vvvvvv IS NOT SCRTCH (cde)          
IECTMS3E dddd,vvvvvv IS NOT SCRTCH (cde)         
IECTMS3O dddd,vvvvvv IS NOT SCRTCH (cde)         


dddd is the unit, vvvvvv is the volser and cde is the not scratch code. Find the IECTMS3 message in the joblogs or in the SYSLOG and check the NOT SCRTCH code for root cause:


For a description of the NOT SCRTCH codes see chapter IECTMS3, IECTMS3E, and IECTMS3O