Rally: Custom report (Timesheet) does not return time spent even though all tasks have hours spent.
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Rally: Custom report (Timesheet) does not return time spent even though all tasks have hours spent.


Article ID: 140526


Updated On:


Rally On-Premise Rally SaaS


Custom report (Timesheet) does not return time spent even though all tasks have hours spent. (See CustomReport1.png for a view of the report)

Screenshot of the report attached

Type - Timesheet

Broken down by... - User

Filters of - Date >= some date






In order for a user's time to show up in that report, it will be necessary for users to enter their time in the "Timesheet" page for the specific task they are working on.  I have attached screenshots of the timesheets page.

Please verify that each user is using this timesheet and that you are scoped for the project the tasks are in when running the report.  If you continue to have issues, please send a screenshot of the timesheet for a user whose information is missing and please include the URL at the top of the page.


1574278993528__Timesheet2.png get_app
1574278973303__Timesheet1.png get_app
1574278924514__CustomReport1.png get_app