Topology view for container doesn't load
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Topology view for container doesn't load


Article ID: 140480


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CA Spectrum DX NetOps


For one specific container, the Topology view doesn't load. In some cases, it just remains empty, in other cases, the error message "SPC-OCC-11827: An I/O error has occurred." is shown

The issue appears on both OneClicks and for all users. A tomcat restart does not resolve the issue. There are exceptions in the stdout.log:




Release : 10.3

Component : Spectrum Core / SpectroSERVER


The container model is showing unusual behavior consistent with corruption of the model e.g. the container cannot be found by a locator search of the container name, as if it does not exist but it can be found via the devices it contains.

CLI will give strange and inconsistent results for the container's model handles.  e.g. the container model can be found via a grep of the model handle, but other commands return this as an invalid model handle.

$ show models |grep 0x4373d3

0x4373d3    xxxxx          0x1002d     LAN

$ show attributes mh=0x4373d3

show attributes: 0x4373d3: invalid model handle

$ show associations mh=0x4373d3

show associations: 0x4373d3: invalid model handle


Create a new container and move the models to the new container.

Delete the problematic container.