Unload utility C1BM5000 issued C1R0035E
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Unload utility C1BM5000 issued C1R0035E


Article ID: 140405


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Endevor Endevor Natural Integration Endevor - ECLIPSE Plugin Endevor - Enterprise Workbench



Endevor backup process with Unload utility C1BM5000 issued an error C1R0035E.

How can this be resolved?

The Endevor Message and Code Reference recommends "Contact your administrator", Why? 

Is it necessary to delete and recreate the element? 

Does this error invalidate the backup?



Release : All

Component : CA Endevor Software Change Manager


The issue occurs because an entry for this Element is missing from the catalog.

You must contact the Endevor administrator because only he is authorized to perform the work necessary to resolve this minor problem.

This solution will resolve the issue and there is no need to recreate the element from scratch.

The utility to submit in this situation is BC1PCSYN, it is ran by JCL BC1JCSYN available from the CSIQJCL library. You have to run it with option PARM='BC1PCSYNUPDATE'.

The error C1R0035E has no impact on the backup file, only the element in error is impacted.