Getting GSVX205E Nucleus load failed, reason 29 in GSS procedure
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Getting GSVX205E Nucleus load failed, reason 29 in GSS procedure


Article ID: 140390


Updated On:


SYSVIEW Performance Management


During the SYSVIEW upgrade we are getting the message in GSS syslog: 

        GSVX205E (API.OPSOSF) Nucleus load failed, reason 29 subsystem is not initialized. Start SYSVIEW"

The message is coming from GSSPROC. This message is only showing on one lpar. This lpar was just Ipled this weekend.

SYSVIEW was upgraded on this lpar the same day as the two other lpars. They haven't been Ipled since the upgrade.

SYSVIEW was fully up before GSSPROC started.



In most instances the GSVX205E with reason 29 is caused by either SYSVIEW not being up, the GSS procedure not pointing to the correct SSID, problem with the CLIST that invokes SYSVIEW, often not using the correct SSID, or the GSS procedure not pointing to the correct library for the release being installed.    

We have seen at least one customer report this during an upgrade, and then when they recycled both the SYSVIEW and SYSVUSER started tasks, the error resolved itself.

Ensure that the GSS proc is using the correct SYSVIEW Loadlib.   If not, a STEPLIB may need to be added to the proc.  

If you are using the CLIST, make sure that the USRM0001 job completed successfully, and that in the CLIST you linked the correct GSSx name for the system that is in the USRM0001 job.   The default SSID is GSVX.   If it is decided to use something other than GSVX, then the usermod needs to be recompiled in order to pick up the alternative SSID.

If the problem does not resolve, open a support case and provide the output of the USRM0001 job if you ran that during the configuration, as well as the SYSVIEW, SYSVUSER and GSS stc logs.   


Additional Information

One customer also reported seeing the following errors in addition to the GSVX205E in the GSS log:

While trying to enter the SYSVIEW panel, we're getting these errors:


      CMD abended                                                            
     'GSVXSPF' terminated abnormally.                                        
     Current dialog statement: