Receiving message CAL2SM01W Area: HIS DBID: 0770 Full: 97.03% DSN: CA7.R1210.HIS770 in the CA 7 Started Task. Allocated it with 10 cylinders, 1 extent and 16 volumes. Will it keep taking extents or will it eventually reach 100% and CA7 stop working. It currently has used 21 cylinders on one volume
Release : 12.0 12.1
Component : CA-7
CA 7 will stop working if space is exhausted in the current extents and there are no more volumes and/or extents available to dynamically extend. It may be a good idea to do the on-demand extend.
The following commands to dynamically extend the work areas will not affect CA 7 as these go against the Datacom MUF.
The sample commands below will not change the original allocation amounts, but will add an additional 100 extents. The permanent solution is to increase the actual allocation of these areas via the AL2DCC40 job from the CAL2JCL library.
F mufjobname,DYNAMIC_EXTEND 770,HIS,100,CYL
F mufjobname,DYNAMIC_EXTEND 770,HIL,100,CYL
The commands can also be submitted in batch by running DBUTLTY with the following input: