Customer needs to remove a Distribution Server from its current configuration to the DMS but sepmd -u DMS__ DH_@<host> does not work with error
"Failed removing DH__@<host> from Policy Model DMS__Subscriber does not exist."
Release : 14.0 +
Release : 12.8 - 14.0
Component : CA Privilege Identity Manager
Starting with CA PIM 12.8 the communication path has changed. You cannot directly unsubscribe the DH__ from the DMS__.
Steps taken:
1) sepmd -L DMS__ (This displays each of the Distribution hosts connected to
the DMS)
Note: if the [email protected] you are removing has pending messages you
should clear the messages (https://localhost:8161)
2) sepmd -u DMS__ "Topic: ac_server_to_server_broadcast (DH)" (This will remove all server to server message queue subscriptions)\
3) sepmd -L DMS__ (Verify the DMS is cleared)
4) sepmd -smq DMS__ -predefined ServerToServerBroadcast -destination DH (Adds the topic subscription to the DMS)
5) sepmd -L DMS__ (Verify the topic is added)
6) dmsmgr -sync self (Subscribe the ENTM host back to the DMS)
Note: You will need to run this command on each DH you wish to re-subscribe to the DMS
7) sepmd -L DMS__ (Verify it was successful)
8) sepmd -L DH__WRITER (Verify the DH__WRITTER is set properly)