Dollar Universe 6 Nodes declared into a Subordinate UVMS are automatically moved to the Master UVMS.
The status of these Nodes is "Connected with Warning" when using UVC connected to the Subordinate UVMS as Traffic is closed between nodes and Master UVMS.
The variable UVMS_REF inside the values.xml gets updated without intervention in the node and while the Node was running.
Release : 6.x
Issue caused by the launch of the command unisynch_nodes_from_uvms when performed on the Master UVMS.
This causes all nodes declared into the Subordinate UVMS to get their UVMS hostname (UVMS_REF variable) modified to point to the UVMS Master instead of the Subordinate.
In order to fix the issue and move back the Dollar Universe 6 Nodes to the Subordinate UVMS launch the command unisynch_nodes_from_uvms on the impact Subordinate UVMS where the nodes were declared.