SYSVIEW is starting issued the following messages:
GSVX998E (TCPDATA) USS$035E BPX1CON (connect) failed, reason JRSocketNotFound (595 x'253') GSV3602E (TCPDATA) Data collection for Communications Storage Manager has failed GSV3601E (TCPDATA) Data collection for Communications Storage Manager has been disabled
Release : 16.0, 15.0
Component : SYSVIEW
The Network Management Interface of VTAM needs to be running.
The interface is turned on as part of the SYSVIEW VTAM initialization using the SNAMGMT parameter.
You can issue a MODIFY to VTAMOPTS to dynamically turn it on.
Once it is running it creates a UNIX socket which is represented as a directory under USS which by default is /var/sock/SNAMGMT.
Additional Information
The error message can be viewed via the SYSVIEW HELP panel; issue "HELP USS$035E" from the command line