How to preserve/restore Personal Configurations when republishing a Clarity View
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How to preserve/restore Personal Configurations when republishing a Clarity View


Article ID: 140290


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Clarity PPM On Premise Clarity PPM SaaS


Are there any best practices or recommendations on how we can work with our customers to preserve their personal configurations when object views are republished?

  • We have a number of users that setup personal configurations on the various system portlets (Project List, Project Filter, Idea List, etc)
  • Anytime we make a change to the application that requires a republish of object views, the customers personal configurations are wiped out/removed.


Release : All Supported releases



Unfortunately, there's no way to preserve a user's view if republishing a view within clarity PPM, as publishing resets any users customized views. 

  • The one recommendation prior to publishing views would be to:
    • Suggest users take screen shots of any views and custom filters prior to the reset.
    • Once the view is published, the users can then go in and re-customize their views.
  • If you've already published a view:
    • The one option for a user by user basis to restore their views:
      • Provide the users access to a non production environment where they could compare their customized view setup there. 
    • Another option if you have another environment that has the same views and want to restore for all users:
      • Identify the affected object, view etc.
      • Export the views with content package from the non production environment and import into the impacted environment

Additional Information

To submit an enhancement request reference see: 18799