In BOTH Classic & Modern UX - parameterized lookups WITHOUT a NULL Clause is not sorting the data as expected.
- Log in as an administrator and go into Classic Studio
- Go to Administration -> Lookups
- Create a copy of the Lookup Query from 'Idea and Project Category Parameterized Lookup' and modify it by removing the NULL Clause
- Create a new Lookup with a similar name such as 'Idea and Project Param without IS NULL Clause'
- Go to Administration -> Objects - > Project
- Create a new attribute:
Attribute name = Project Category NO NULL
Select the new parameterized lookup
Set the API Attribute ID value so it will show up on Modern UX
- In CLASSIC UX - Add all 3 fields to the Project List View and the Filter Section
Project Type (constraint field)
Project Category (parameterized field with NULL Clause)
Project Category NO NULL (parameterized field WITHOUT NULL Clause)
- Look at the 'Lookup Mappings' for these fields and understand which parameterized values should appear based on the selected constraint value
- In the Project List, be sure you have rows of data with saved values for all 3 fields.
- Click the Header Name for the parameterized lookup fields
As expected, the stock 'Project Category' field sorts the data as expected - by the name of the saved value
Unexpected: the new field WITHOUT NULL Clause does NOT sort as expected
- In the MODERN UX - repeat steps 7-10
Expected Results: In BOTH Classic & Modern UX -The parameterized lookup WITHOUT NULL Clause should sort rows by the name of the saved value.
Actual Results: In BOTH Classic & Modern UX - The parameterized lookup WITHOUT NULL Clause is not sorting the data as expected.